Have you made preparations to protect your home and family members in the event of an emergency, such as a natural disaster?
Don’t overlook the importance of having a Family Emergency Plan and Basic Ready Kit at your disposal.
The key components of a Family Emergency Plan include:
- Contact information for all family members. (Don’t rely on your cellphone, it could be lost or damaged in an emergency.)
- Each family member’s medical information.
- Each family member’s schedule during the week. (After school, work activities, etc.)
- A pre-determined place to meet in the event you lose contact.
Some essentials to store away in your Basic Ready Kit include:
- One gallon of drinking water per person per day (Max: 3-day supply).
- Non-perishable foods (and a can opener) for that many days as well.
- A radio, flashlights, and extra batteries.
- A first aid kit and a whistle to signal for help.
- Plastic sheeting or tarps, as well as duct tape, for shelter repairs.
- Garbage bags and plastic bags.
- Tools, or at least a wrench and pliers.
- Local maps (again, don’t count on phones or computers being operational).
- A face mask, wet wipes, and hand sanitizer.
More information on emergency preparedness is available online through the Ready Georgia initiative [https://www.ready.gov/georgia or https://gema.georgia.gov/plan-prepare/ready-georgia.]