How to Establish an Account
Customers can call the Macon Water Authority at 478-464-5600 to establish an account before the start date for the requested service. In some instances, the Macon Water Authority does offer same-day service connections for an additional cost, speak with a representative for more details.
Contact MWA Customer Service Representatives at 478-464-5600.
What to Expect When Establishing an MWA Account
Most applications can be completed over the phone. However, some new customers may be required to come into our business office to provide additional documentation.
How Much Does It Cost?
An application fee due at the time service is requested. In addition to the application fee, a security deposit may be required to establish a new account.
For residential customers, the security deposit is based on credit worthiness and may be increased, waived, or decreased. An additional deposit, up to three times the average monthly bill for water and sewer services, could be required based on past payment history.
Security deposits will be returned after one year of good payment history or when the account is closed with no balance owed. Commercial customers may contact us for a deposit quote on their services.
In addition to the application fee and the security deposit, customers must provide a valid government issued identification and proof of authorized residency including various ownership documents, property management agreement, or lease. Documents must include the service address, date of possession, authorized persons aka the responsible party, and signatures.
How Can I Ensure My Property is Protected?
To protect the interior of your home or business from water damage when your account is established, please make sure all indoor faucets (including the connections to the washing machine and ice maker for your refrigerator) are turned off before service is connected.
If the field personnel arrive at the service location (your home or business) and an open faucet is found, the water service will not be turned on.
The MWA will only make one additional attempt to turn on the water without assessing an additional fee for return visits. Additional trips to the location will result in a cost.

Agreement to Terms and Conditions of the MWA
The Applicant agrees to adhere to the rules and regulations of MWA now in force or which may herein be adopted. The terms of this Agreement may be modified by MWA without specific notice to Applicant.
At the signing of this Agreement, Applicant acknowledges that Applicant is responsible for payment of the billing on the meter for the Property until such time as Applicant notifies MWA to discontinue service. Failure to receive a bill DOES NOT relieve obligation to pay water and sewer charges. Applicant acknowledges responsibility for payment of all water/sewer charges to the Property until forty-eight (48) hours after notice has been given to MWA to discontinue services at the Property. Any balance existing at the time of disconnection of service remains the Applicant’s responsibility. Applicant agrees to pay any deposits required by MWA as noted on the reverse side. Required deposit may be up to three (3) times the average monthly charge for water/sewer services, including fees, to the premises. No interest will be paid on deposits held by MWA. The deposit may be increased, waived, or decreased depending on credit worthiness, as determined by MWA. Failure to sign this Agreement does not relieve Applicant’s responsibility to make timely payments at the rate established by MWA; Applicant’s acceptance of service from MWA shall constitute Applicant’s acceptance of the terms of this Agreement. Further, Applicant hereby grants access to MWA and its agents, officers, and employees to the Property for the purpose of repairing, installing, removing, checking, turning on and off, and reading the meter for the Property. Applicant also acknowledges that the meter box lid and all materials inside the meter box are MWA Property and shall remain so, and MWA shall have the authority to control and regulate their use. Applicant hereby acknowledges that he/she/it is prohibited from connecting to any other water source while connected to and receiving service from the MWA, including but not limited to, wells located on the Property or any other water supply. Applicant is required to notify the MWA in writing of any such source present either now or in the future.
Failure to pay all monthly invoices thirty days from the day Applicant’s bill is mailed shall be considered a material breach of this Agreement and cause for: (a) termination of service; (b) collection action and reporting to credit agencies; (c) civil legal action, attorney’s fees and court and other costs; (d) criminal prosecution where such failure to follow requests constitutes a crime or an ordinance violation; and € any other remedies or actions deemed reasonable by the MWA and local, state, or federal law. If Applicant has more than one account with the MWA, default on one account shall constitute a default on all accounts. In such event, failure to pay an invoice on one account shall be considered a material breach of this agreement for all related accounts, and the remedies states above, including termination of service for all related accounts, shall be available to the MWA.
Failure to comply with any other rules and regulations of the Authority as changed from time to time shall be deemed just cause for discontinuance of water service.
Applicant acknowledge that a person who knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up by an trick, scheme, or device a material fact; makes a false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or makes or uses any false writing or document, know the same to contain any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry, in any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of state government or of the government of any county, city, or other political subdivision of this state shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not more than One Thousand and 00/100 ($1,000.00) or by imprisonment for not less than one not more than five years, or both. Official Code of Georgia 16-10-20. It is also further understood and agreed that the Authority makes no representation as to the quality, quantity, or continuity of water or sewer services other than it shall exercise reasonable diligence with respect to this application and the services rendered here, subject to all Federal, State, Local, and Authority law, rules, and regulations now enforced and adopted hereafter.
BILLING: Service starts when the meter is installed, or reading is taken to start service(s). Minimum water/sewer charges will apply without consumption