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Macon Water Authority (MWA) Hosting 17th Annual Ocmulgee Alive!

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L to R: Natalie McEver, MWA Supervisor of Environmental Compliance, helps organize the annual Ocmulgee Alive! river cleanup. Among the volunteers last year were teacher Candace Bridges and student Zoe Boychuk from Stratford Academy.
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MWA goes to great lengths to protect its Source Water

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Javors Lucas Lake is one of the MWA’s two primary sources for producing Georgia’s Best Tasting Drinking Water, as awarded by the Georgia Association of Water Professionals this year. The MWA Source Water Protection Plan (SWPP) is the Authority’s strategy for protecting its source water for drinking water production.
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MWA Board Normalizing Sewer Rates

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An aerial photo of the Rocky Creek Wastewater Plant, as the MWA Board votes to normalize its sewer rates for residential customers
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MWA Director of Water Treatment Selected for State Leadership Position

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MWA Director of Water Treatment Gary McCoy (left) has been selected to serve the Georgia Association of Water Professionals (GAWP) as its Vice President. McCoy is pictured with MWA Lab Analyst Sylvia McCrary, who retired recently after serving 33 years within McCoy’s department at the Authority.
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MWA Makes It a Clean Sweep for Drinking Water Taste Tests

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Darryl Macy (left), MWA Director of Sewer Conveyance & Water Distribution, who received the GAWP Nathan Meredith DeJarnette Award, honors Otis Cross (right) during his retirement celebration at the July MWA Board Meeting.